Anteater Dynamics
AI is becoming more prevalent in today’s technology, with AI-integration spanning from our smartphones to our home appliances. With the rise of AI, many are trying to find ways to apply machine learning techniques to their projects. One example would be robotic arms. Designers want to improve the controls and functionality of a robotic arm through machine learning, but current products are cheap and inaccurate, while more accurate robotic arms are cost-prohibitive. Our project aims to fill that void by providing a budget-friendly solution that offers the fidelity hobbyists and other robotics enthusiasts are looking for.
Goals and Objectives
The goal of Anteater Dynamics is to develop a low-cost (under $1000) stationary robotic arm containing 7 degrees of freedom. The final product shall be open source and available for anyone to 3D print and assemble using Dynamixel actuators from our project sponsor, ROBOTIS. The team plans to collaborate with ROBOTIS to develop a four degrees-of-freedom proof-of-concept by the end of winter quarter, and a complete 7 degrees-of-freedom robotic arm by the end of the spring quarter.
Keep Track of our Progress
Public documentation of our project will be logged on the ROBOTIS forum website, as well as GitHub. If you would like to see what we’ve been working on, please go to our GitHub page.
Team Contacts
If you have any questions about the project feel free to reach out to one of our members below
Noah Castillo (
Lucas Cardona (
Diego Avila (
Tomas Mejia (
Ishan Malik (
Our sponsor is the robotics company ROBOTIS.
If you would like to learn more about ROBOTIS feel free to check out their website below
Or get in touch with our sponsor Jonathon Curl