
BioENGINE brings together diverse resources at UCI, including the School of Medicine, Samueli School of Engineering, Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, Beckman Laser Institute, UCI Athletics, and UCI Beall Applied Innovation, along with industry leaders and other key stakeholders to collectively define and develop real-world, near-term solutions to some of the greatest high-tech and med-tech challenges. Through rigorous coursework and interdisciplinary, team-based experiential learning, BioENGINE trainees will become the high impact healthcare innovators of tomorrow.
The BME/MSE Senior Design Project Program at UCI is a critical component of the BioENGINE program, as it is designed to bridge academic learnings with real-world design challenges in the engineering industry. The benefits on industry involvement include:
- Access to emerging technology via student project mentorship.
- Building relationships with world-class UCI faculty
- Access to special facilities at UCI and Applied Innovation (e.g. maker space, specialized shared facilities on campus, etc.)
- Recruiting from a pool of high-impact students prior to graduation (i.e. next-gen workforce experientially trained in both technical and business aspects of product development).
- Sponsorship – promote your brand by providing funds to support the next generation of health innovators. Contributions are tax deductible.
Many of the BME/MSE Senior Design Projects have corporate mentors. See our library of current and past projects:
If you have a project idea, would like to be a mentor, and/or would like to sponsor a project, please contact:
Dr. Christine King
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Biomedical Engineering Department