
Student Instructions for Project Submission:
- Visit (you're already here!)
- Login with UCInetID (scroll down, link at bottom)
- Add Content (link at bottom) to Add a Project. Fill in:
- Project title
- Hero image (project poster)
- Project description (Be creative with this section! This is your chance to show reviewers more than what is printed on your poster. Does your project have a YouTube channel? How about social media or a link to donate? Add the URL for visitors to see)
- Department (click all that apply)
- Add other project editors (if desired, search by Firstname Lastname)
This will create the project page, unpublished.
Questions about upload? Click here
Senior Design Project FAQs
Almost all projects are 3-quarter projects. To get the most out of your MAE189 experience, you should figure on starting in the fall quarter and continuing through winter and spring quarters.
You should figure on signing up for 2 units each quarter. Each unit represents about 4 hours of work. 8 hours a week on your project is a reasonable amount.
For the start of fall quarter, all projects are listed at If you click on a project link, you will be taken to a project description that has information on who to get in touch with. After the fall quarter is underway, you will still find project information on projects tab.
Yes you can! You need a team of at least 3 people. Then you need to recruit a faculty advisor. It helps if you have a written project description to discuss with prospective faculty members. Note that if it is just you with a project idea, you might still look for a faculty mentor and do an MAE199 Independent Study Project.
You must have senior standing for MAE189. However, there are also MAE93 and MAE193 project options for underclassmen. You will need to sign a liability waiver and pledge for excellence. Faculty/Teams may impose other requirements for their specific projects.
There is a syllabus for MAE189/193/93 that details the requirements.
The AY18-19 MAE189/193/93 Syllabus: ENGRMAE 189-193-93 Syllabus_AY18-19_RevD
Ultimately it is up to the advisors to assign final grades. A template for peer grading will enable you to assess each other. Results of peer grading will also be given to advisors. Advisors will be given information on individual students from weekly check-ins. The course coordinators will provide feedback on other required group activities such as peer reviews. The course coordinator and advisor will both grade written assignments, including blogging and design review posters.
Each student pays a $160 course fee for each quarter of MAE189. Teams can then access $100 of each students' course fee.
Check out the MAE189 handbook:
Whether you're embarking on a new senior design project or are currently actively engaged in one, there are many resources here to guide your progress. This page is the starting point for all students. The Students Menu provides links to help with different aspects of your project experience.