MAE188: Astrobotics
Problem Statement:
The current testing process using the Single Slot Computer Chip Tester is completely manual, requiring an operator to physically pick up each chip to be tested (also known as a device under test or DUT) from a Join Electron Device Engineering Council Tray (JEDEC Tray). Then the operator places the DUTs into the Burn-in-Board (BIB) which typically holds 24 chips. Lastly, the operator inserts the BIB into the single slot tester (SST) and then manually filters the DUTS once the test has been completed. Using this process, an operator can conduct two test rounds and test 48 chips in one hour. To completely test ten thousand chips in one day, the firm will need to hire about 25 workers, with an associated cost of about $2,000 per day. Currently in the chip manufacturing industry, using manual labor for testing chips is not only inefficient and costly to firms, but also a tedious task for the employees.
The goal of Astrobotics is to develop a new system with the capability of automating the SST complete testing process using a FANUC 200iD robot.
Quarterly Objectives:
Fall: Hardware & Software Development
- Design a mobile workstation compatible with Advantest's (formerly Astronics) SST
- Design End of Arm Tool (EOAT) with the capability of transferring DUT's between the JEDEC trays & BIB, supporting iR Vision, and transferring BIB between SST & the workstation
- Design Housing to secure JEDEC Tray during operation
- Design Safety System to protect the operator
- Design System Testing Procedure
- Research & learn FANUC 200iD Programming
- Research & learn FANUC iR Vision
Winter: Hardware Fabrication & Software Integration
- Fabricate Workstation
- Fabricate Astrobot (EOAT)
- Fabricate JEDEC Housing
- Design & Implement Electrical System
- Design & Implement Pneumatic System
- Program FANUC 200iD Robot
- Program iR Vision
Faculty Advisors
Dr. Farzad Ahmadkhanlou
Dr. Vince McDonell
Team Lead / Project Manager
Jose Pereida