Robot Arm End Effector: Zot Effect


Archytas Automation aims to create educational robot kits that could be utilized in a classroom setting for teaching as well as competition; additionally, Archytas is hoping to expand their robot arms into other commercial settings to ease the labor of various tasks. Their gripper end effector is tasked with the ability to grip and move a large range of objects with varying shapes, sizes, and payloads.  Current issues with the gripper include the housing of the motor and its wiring, its limiting functionality, and difficulty to assemble. 

Goals and Objectives

With the discontinued 320 Dynamixel motors, which are currently used to control the rotation and gripping of the end effector, the team must design a new end effector using the new model of the motor, the 330 Dynamixel motors, to perform gripping tasks as well as accomodate for different jaw attachments. The team must redesign a robot arm end effector gripper with a straightforward assembly process that maintains or improves the device’s current structural integrity in order to properly house the two new models of 330 Dynamixel motors and improve upon the current grasp function.

Project Timeline

Weeks 1-2:  Team Organization and Problem Definition

- Team Organization

- Problem Definition

- Preliminary Design Requirements

Weeks 3-4: Prototype Design Process

- Finalize Design Requirements

- Preliminary gripping mechanism research and iterations

- Robot motor research and iterations for implementation

- Preliminary wiring method and drawings for CAD prototype

- Preliminary CAD prototype iterations with motor and gripping mechanism

- Preliminary Bill of Materials (MTS/OTS components)

Weeks 5-7: Prototype Verification and Documentation

-Continuing design iterations and finalizing CAD prototype

-Perform topology optimization using Siemens NX

- FEA analysis and motion analysis through SOLIDWORKS

-Validation of performance through dynamics calculations

Weeks 8-9: Project Build and Verification

-Component testing (wiring, 3D printed components, etc.)

- Manufacturing of new end effector

- Testing of performance of end effector

- Final verification and validation

Weeks 10-11: Project Closure

- Design Review

- Final Presentation/Postmortem

- Final Report


Archytas Automation

Professor Mark Walter:

Professor Ben Dolan:

Link to documentation:

Midterm presentation:


Project status: 
Academic year: 
Spring Poster: 