Horizontal Stepping Robot


Researchers at UCLA and Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation hospital have asked us to design a robotic device that can roll up to a spinal cord-injured patient’s bed. The device should provide weight support to each leg, and allow the legs to make an “air stepping” motion, measuring the stepping motion and providing assistance as needed. This will allow the patient to exercise the legs and to better recover movement ability.  We have begun prototyping the robot based on a previously-developed wheelchair robot called Movit. This project will refine the design and build out a first, working prototype. 

Project Statement:

Horizontal Stepper: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GVxbs_Jcqlq49pcT8WHKPvg-9-kGOAh8/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103416359483297951179&rtpof=true&sd=true

Goal and objectives:

  1. Define Physical Systems and Subsystems to be worked on this quarter. 2/4/23
  2. Develop Purchase orders for Materials for Smaller Items: Leg Brace Materials and Additional Framing components. 2/1/23
  3. Develop Full Purchase order for Materials for Mechanical Subsystems and Sensors. 2/8/23
  4. Manufacture and Assemble Subsystems: manufacture Sub Assemblies, assemble them on the current prototype Frame, have Post Processing ready for testing. 2/17/23
  5. Run Tests on subsystems: SEA, leg braces, pulleys, encoders, and Have a preliminary SOP developed. 2/20/23- 2/24/23
  6. 3rd Purchase Order: frame components and further materials. 3/1/23
  7. Assemble Full Robot and Test. 3/17/23



Status Update: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_2JchjQfPPhgXj6He2IwXVXyZYDGfgQ0...

Team contacts:

Lee McEligot (Team leader): lmceligo@uci.edu

Leonardo Brennan: labrenna@uci.edu

Yinhong Zhou: yinhongz@uci.edu

Conghao Jin: conghaj@uci.edu

Ziyi Zhang: ziyz19@uci.edu

Kohl Hertz: khertz@uci.edu


Professor David Reinkensmeyer: dreinken@uci.edu

Project status: 
Academic year: 
Fall Poster: 