UCI Intelligent Ground Vehicle 2021
Students that are a part of the UC Irvine Intelligent Ground Vehicle Team will design and test an autonomous ground vehicle that is able to navigate through an obstacle course. The technologies used in IGV encompass a wide range of applications in engineering including military mobility, intelligent transport systems, and manufacturing.
Goals and Objectives
The goal for students in IGV is to implement skills gained in classes while designing the vehicle and developing a method to allow it to navigate through the obstacle course. This includes usage of Finite State Machines, Ultrasonic and GPS Sensors, and microcontrollers.
Currently, the project is in the optimization stage. The chassis has been built and the obstacle detection code, GPS, and navigation systems are nearly complete. The next steps are to reconstruct the chassis using a more flexible material as the plexiglass was very unwieldy. Furthermore, we plan to optimize the lane detection code such that it is also able to detect turn lanes and move accordingly. Finally, we want to be able to modularize everything as a PCB including all of the sensors, battery charger, and motor controlllers. The goal for the end of Fall 2021 is to have a redesigned chassis with modularized components and a form of limited movement.
Project Website
GitHub - IGV: The Navigation Code for the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Project through UCI
Team Contact(s)
Akhil Pappu (Organizational Lead): apappu@uci.edu
Orion Serup (Technical Lead): oserup@uci.edu
Team Advisor(s)
Professor David Copp: dcopp@uci.edu
Professor David J. Reinkensmeyer: dreinken@uci.edu