Structures Mark II


UAV Forge is a senior design project hosted by UCI that aims to build an Automated Flying Vehicle, and compete in the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Student Unmanned Aerial Systems Competition (AUVSI SUAS). The goal of the competition is to have your vehicle follow a route while avoiding obstacles, arriving at waypoints, and delivering an unmanned ground vehicle to a designated point.

This specific subteam, Structures Mark II, was a Capstone project team gathered for the purpose of creating an optimized airframe. It is tasked with closely researching structural allowables, requirements, constraints, material and design choices for a new and better frame. The team will then model an airframe for the rest of UAV Forge to possibly build in the upcoming year. For now, the overall design will be a prototype and can be adjusted to fit any new needs or new design choices when the time comes. 


  • Research design types and choices of other current UAVs in the market and most importantly the competition
  • Run material/part simulation analysis to determine design choices
  • Design a prototype optimized airframe with chosen materials and compatibility with currently used parts
  • 3D model the airframe

Team Contacts:

Vincent Tran:


Professor Copp:

Project status: 
Academic year: 
Fall Poster: