Our satellite will be launched into polar low-Earth orbit passing over Irvine at least three times a day. The satellite operates with four base subsystems (Power, Communications, Avionics, and Thermal), in addition to housing two payloads. The first payload is a variable emissivity sample that changes color and emissivity in response to varying voltages, and our job is to test its performance in response to direct solar radiation. Similar materials to the sample are hoped to be used as a cheap method of thermal management on future spacecraft. The second payload is in collaboration with the ASPIN lab at UCI. The satellite will carry an additional transceiver meant to function as a transmitter of a “signal of opportunity”, helpful in researching novel navigation methods in the absence of or in place of a traditional GPS signal.
- Model the orbit and orbital conditions of the CubeSat throughout the mission lifetime
- Integrate components of various subsystems to collect data, manage power, and communicate with the groundstation
- Build and test a functional receiving groundstation
- Test the subsystems and CubeSat among operational and launch conditions
- Integrate and successfully launch the satellite
- Create thorough documentation and a foundation for future UCI orbital projects
Power: Includes the external solar panels, battery management system, and the battery itself, responsible for power collection and distribution throughout the satellite
Communications: Utilizing a PQ9ISH transceiver provided by the Libre Space Foundation, responsible for consolidating data throughout the satellite and transmitting it to the groundstation
Avionics: Utilizing a magnetorquer and reaction wheels, responsible for attitude control of the satellite and orbital maneuvers, including proper orientation of the solar cells
Thermal: Responsible for thermal management of other subsystems and of the payload during eclipse and direct exposure
Project Lead: Adrian Osorio (