UCI Design, Build, Fly 2022-2023

AIAA Proposal Result 

Score: 79 (highest score was 86)

Ranked #25/110


AIAA is the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and they are hosting the 27th annual Design, Build, Fly competition. This competition is an annual, national competition that has colleges design, fabricate, and test the flight of an unmanned, radio-controlled aircraft. This aircraft needs to complete preassigned missions.

Goal and Objectives

This project aims to design and fabricate an aircraft that will complete the missions given to us by the AIAA. The missions consist of three operations in which the team will allocate roles by groups to determine the best course of action for maximum efficiency. The goals achieved to submit the proposal report were finishing a score analysis to determine the best possible score our aircraft can receive, aided by the use of Matlab and simulations, as well as finishing the sizing and modeling of the aircraft components, such as the nose cone, fuselage, and wings. The proposal has been submitted and was ranked 25th out of 110 applicants. The design report is an objective that needs to be completed as fabrication begins, with a goal date of February 15, 2023. The main goal to achieve before the report can be completed is to finish the final design decisions, through the use of design matrices and test flights. With a goal date of February 15, 2023, we have moved into fabricating our second prototype and scheduling test flights before the design report is due on February 24, 2023.


Competition website: https://www.aiaa.org/dbf/example-dbf-feature

GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/9069ef90

Midterm Presentation Fall 2022

Final Presentation Fall 2022

Team Contacts

Team email: uciaerialanteaters@gmail.com

Deepak Gupta | deepakg1@uci.edu

Luis Zamora | zamoral1@uci.edu

Rahul Donnaganti | rdonnaga@uci.edu

Lucia Benjamin | lmbenjam@uci.edu


Professor Jacqueline Huynh |  huynhlj@uci.edu

Nathan Yeung | nhyeung@uci.edu

Project status: 
Academic year: 
Fall Poster: 
DBF Fall 2022 Poster