Flight Simulation Chair
Simulation projects replicate real-life experiences. For the FSC project, we set out to design a chair that simulates the experience of flying a plane. The user is in complete control over the movement of the aircraft and has the option of taking this experience a step further with virtual reality simulation. Flight simulators are traditionally used to train pilots but have become a very popular recreational project for flight enthusiasts. This project was successfully executed in 2017 but was left in a nonfunctional state. The project was picked up again this year, 2019, to reanimate the robot and enhance its performance.
Goal and Objectives
The main goal of this project is to create a robot that controls the movement of a chair in accordance with the desired positional data. Two play modes will be available for the user: Remote Control (RC) and Virtual Reality (VR). A brief description of each mode are as follows:
Remote Control (RC): User can control the simulation through the provided USB Joystick on the dashboard.
Virtual Reality (VR): User has the option to enhance their flight experience with a Virtual Reality headset and video game, Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS World), in addition to the same USB Joystick provided on the dashboard.
The goal for fall quarter is to evaluate the project status and implement a program to reanimate the system. For winter quarter, the team will work on obtaining control over the movement and tuning the signals to reduce any delays. During spring quarter, the team plans to expand from flight experiences to other vehicle operations, such as automotive.
Team Contact
Team Lead: Hannah Trinh | hannadt@uci.edu
Team Members
Hannah Trinh | hannadt@uci.edu
Kevin Kwong | ktkwong1@uci.edu
Steven Wang | yinfeiw@uci.edu
Professor David Reinkensmeyer | dreinken@uci.edu