Von Karman/Tustin Ranch Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Project
The purpose of the project is to develop and implement the synchronization timing along Von Karman Avenue / Tustin Ranch Road with our main client as the City of Irvine and our consultant as Iteris, Inc. The corridor spans from Walnut Ave down to Intersect and includes 10 actuated intersections. Before and after studies will be conducted during the PM peak to compare the travel times. After modeling the network on Synchro 10, the team experimented with different cycle lengths and offsets to produce multiple alternatives. Green time priority is given to the major arterial to increase the traffic flow, particularly for northbound vehicles where there is the highest directional volume. All timing parameters and designs adhere to standards of the City of Irvine and the 2014 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD).
Example of Before/After (implementing traffic signal synchronization design) Study Comparison: http://www.iterisprojects.com/timing/videos/bristol_pm_nb.html